Fall Brings Inspiration

After a long summer spent between Sweden and England, I return to California and to my studio with mixed feelings. My time away has reminded me of who I truly am, and has strengthened my resolve to live authentically, which means that I will be slowing way down so that I can stay madly in love with what I am creating, rather than
rushing thru it. I think this applies to everyone really! But in my case, I discovered that I need more levity, more time to dream a better world and more time to appreciate all that Is right under my nose.
That said, fall brings inspiration. As the temperature here flips and flops from 97 degrees to 56 degrees within 24 hours, its hard to know the seasons, but I can feel the change inside of myself.. the need to quiet down, to explore the worlds within, and make cozy things, soft things, and to express melancholic things as well. This is my favourite time of year!
Last year I made two Advent Calendars, which were so well received, I decided to expand on the theme. So I have been working on a line of seasonal cards including the images from the calendars, and hopefully a new calendar too.
One foot in front of the other...